Chủ Nhật, 27 tháng 7, 2014

High School Love On Episode 2

vlcsnap-2014-07-19-13h56m39s171vlcsnap-2014-07-19-13h56m51s39So from where episode 1 left off, Woo Hyun saved Seul Bi from the oncoming truck and scolds her for wanting to die. She tells him that he messed it up for her, and reminds him that he was the one who told her to get lost.
vlcsnap-2014-07-19-13h57m26s131Woo Hyun tells her to follow him, but she doesn’t and tells him that he told her not to previously. He stands behind her and pushes her so that she would move first. 
vlcsnap-2014-07-19-13h57m42s36vlcsnap-2014-07-19-13h57m59s205Ji Hye and Sung Yeol have a pretty difficult relationship, and I find their relationship interesting. Sung Yeol clearly doesn’t like Ji Hye, but Ji Hye doesn’t seem like a two-faced step mother as well. She does ‘admit’ to Sung Yeol that she doesn’t like him, just like he doesn’t like her – but I feel that she does really wants to get along with him. I don’t blame Sung Yeol for his behavior towards Ji Hye – because he’s probably hurt over his parent’s broken relationship, and he’s only a high school student.
I do want to see them bonding, and maybe Sung Yeol will open up to her in future.
Woo Hyun’s handphone starts to ring, and Seul Bi wants to pass him his phone…except that he’s actually showering.
vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h47m54s213(sorry Woo Hyun…I had to post this. Hahahaha)vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h47m58s2vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h47m56s240
vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h48m05s67vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h48m04s57He gets angry that she just burst into the toilet, and she defends herself, saying that he never told her she can’t see and that it’s unfair. Woo Hyun argued that he should look at her when she shower to be fair. She insist that she didn’t see clearly anyway.
vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h48m13s148vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h48m08s103vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h48m10s121She looks at him and says that she clearly saw something he had. Woo Hyun ‘covers’ his body, and she says out “Chocolate Abs” and tells him to show it to her one more time.
vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h48m44s204That would have send me spazzing…if he didn’t do a headlock on her a few seconds later for wearing his old school uniform.
vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h49m04s149Woo Hyun went out to buy his new school uniform, and is happy when Seul Bi keep praising he looks good. She wants one too and the salesgirl told her to try it on.vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h49m31s159vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h49m32s173vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h49m13s238She tries it on and pesters Woo Hyun to buy it for her.
vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h49m50s96They chased a snatch thief along the way, who took Ji Hye’s purse.
vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h49m51s112vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h50m08s22Seul Bi tries to use her power, and she did succeed but she felt really tired after it. vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h50m29s227vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h50m31s255vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h50m48s166And Sung Yeol arrives in time to catch her from falling.
vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h51m56s79vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h52m05s166Woo Hyun piggybacks her home, and he asks why she followed the thief as most people would avoid dangerous situations. He mentions that to her, he must be a bad person since he kicked her out. She tells him to not do it again, because she has nowhere to go.
Anyway, Woo Hyun arrives at his new school – which is the same school Sung Yeol is attending. And of course like every other high school out there, there are the bullies.
vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h52m54s142vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h52m56s161So we have Jae Suk (top right), Byung Wook (top left) and I’m not sure about the third guy, maybe he’s Tae Ho (above)?
vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h53m13s80vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h53m15s97Jae Suk is already not pleased with Woo Hyun, and he is even more pissed when the girl above (I’m not sure who is she) pays attention to Woo Hyun. So most probably, he has a crush on that girl.
vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h53m49s180vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h54m20s240Sung Yeol and Woo Hyun prevented Jae Suk and boys to bully another student, and they end up going to class late. Ji Hye chases them out, and Sung Yeol tells Woo Hyun that he needs help before punching Woo Hyun. Ji Hye steps out to stop Woo Hyun from punching back, and Sung Yeol asks her if he should call his mother down and when is a good time as his mother is busy. Ji Hye slaps him, and both Sung Yeol and Woo Hyun ended up running around the field.
vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h54m39s167Ji Hye wants Sung Yeol to blow the candles of the cake, but he refuses and she blows them alone.
vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h55m10s225vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h55m13s252Jae Suk and friends took Woo Hyun clothes and puts them under a running tab. Woo Hyun calls Seul Bi to grab his clothes and meet him at the school’s swimming pool. Seul Bi hilariously gets up a bicycle and wonders why it won’t move and it’s not as easy as dramas showed her. LOL.
vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h55m24s106Woo Hyun doesn’t swim during class with an excuse that he has a cold, and was instructed to clean up.
vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h55m32s191vlcsnap-2014-07-19-19h55m43s47Jae Suk pushes him into the water before leaving. Woo Hyun can’t swim – or rather he has a phobia of water as he drowned when he was a kid.
It was a good episode – funny, and Seul Bi continues to grow on me with her innocent attitude, yet always say the right stuff at the right moment. When Woo Hyun’s grandmother said “I’m dying” as sort of a passing comment, Seul Bi told her not to use such a word. And yet when she burst into the toilet and argue with Woo Hyun over what he didn’t tell her she can’t do – it’s so funny because it’s basic common sense to us – but not to her as she doesn’t fully understand how humans work.
And I’m expecting her character growth to be huge because she’s actually learning what it’s like to be a human. She wondered in the previous episode, why humans live when they’re going to die anyway. She’s going to learn that from her experience as a human, and it will be both a good and a bad thing. A good thing is because she can finally understand what it’s like to be humans, and why we do the things we do. The bad thing is that she’s an angel, and she would probably have to go back – and she would have conflicting feelings in future.
Not just that, as a human, she would also feel the different emotions she never felt before – like sadness, fear, or pain, and love. It will be fun
Watch High School Love On Episode 3 online at

Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 7, 2014

Bộ phim " High School Love On "mang thể loại tình cảm của đạo diễn Hae Seong Joon phí hợp tác sản xuất với các diễn viên như Choi Soo-rin, Sin Hyeon-tak, Lee Joo-sil, Woohyun, Kim Sae-ron, Lee Seong-yeol, ... bộ phim là anh chàng học về cao tên là Sin Woo Hyon một người tự trọng luôn luôn thấp, người sống với bà nội và mang những vết sẹo tình cảm bị bỏ rơi bởi cha mẹ của mình. Mặc dù thái độ lạnh lùng, Woo Hyun là nổi tiếng ở trường vì vẻ ngoài đẹp trai và khả năng ca hát. Người bạn học trêu chọc anh ta bị xa lánh vì cha của ông là một tên tội phạm. Tôi nghĩ rằng những ngày của Hyon trong bóng tối sẽ không thể ngẩng đầu lên, sau đó đột nhiên có một thiên thần xinh đẹp để giúp anh ta, Lee Seul Bi là một thiên thần sống ở trên trời do hôi nên trạm Trấn Giang giúp đỡ những người nghèo, làm cho họ trở thành buồn bã không còn lạc quan trở lại. 

Thiên thần Lee  quyết định giúp Hyun vượt qua mọi khó khăn trong cuộc sống, đào tạo anh ta trở nên trưởng thành, thành công. Sau khi hoàn thành nhiệm vụ mà Lee khi tình yêu giữa hai người bắt đầu gắn bó sâu.
Khi người bạn thân nhất của mình, Hwang Sung Yeol (Lee Seong Yeol), phát hiện ra một bí mật mà quan hệ chúng với nhau và cũng có tình cảm với Seul Bi, người đang đặt ra như là một sinh viên nghiên cứu tại trường học của họ, những người bạn tốt nhất trở thành rivals.Can Seul Bi tồn tại tình yêu đầu tiên và những nguy hiểm khác của cuộc sống như một thiếu niên và làm công việc đúng cách của mình để bảo vệ Woo Hyun?

Một thiên thần hộ mệnh thực sự có thể tồn tại những nguy hiểm của cảm giác lo lắng thiếu niên và sống cuộc sống như một học sinh trung học? xem Lee sẽ trở lại thiên đường của mình, hoặc sẽ ở lại sống với tình yêu của mình, mời các bạn cùng xem. Hy vọng bạn thích bộ phim này.

Kim Sea Ron as Lee Seul Bi
Age : unknown

An angel who likes dramas
Throw away the preconception that an angle is unconditionally good. On that note let me take a look at shin Woo Hyun's chocolate as one more time!
She is the school president of Chun Gook ( Haven) High School and is an angel turned human. Currently, she rents a room from Miss Kong's Ddukbokgi House. She was an angel in charge of Woo Hyun's town. After becoming a human due to a freak accident, she lives in the same house as Woo Hyun who calls her Psycho. She gets mistreated by Woo Hyun all the time but she doesn't give up. Why ? Because she decided to stick with Woo Hyun no matter what until she can find a way to go back. Unlike the time when she was an angle that could exercise supernatural power at will, her current power is as poor as the rugged angle clothes that she wears. After focusing all her energy in performing supernatural power, she ends up passing away most of the time. Her remaining angle power are - recognizing other angle sunbae, healing power and recognizing when Woo Hyun lies. Just barely better than human power? Or not ! After meeting Woo Hyun, grandmother and friends, she learns of people's warm ways and life . But eventually she has to decide between " a life as an angle" and : a life as a human". In the end, she gladly throws herself away in order to save Woo Hyun.

Nam Woo Hyun as Shin Woo Hyun
Age : 18

Transferred to Chung Gook ( Haven ) High school a very handsome dude.
You think you are a angle : Then 1 will be the devil. They are a set, you known, Don't marry no matter what 1 will rolloue you
He is a transfer student to Chun Gook ( Heaven) high school. A grandson of miss Kong's Ddukbokki House. His grandmother is his only family. But the receives senseless gifts from his father and money from him mother, which proves that he did not just appear out of thin air. To his grandmother, Mal Sook , he is such a nice and loving grandson. But to the girls who are interested in him, he is completely standoffish. He is no that interested in girls.. Well, actually he is not sure how to act around them. He play pranks to his teacher and runs around the hallway with overflowing energy. Behind his bright smiles, he misses his mom. On one lively summer day , at the age of 18, Woo Hyun accidentally meets Seul Bi. While falling off of the roof, he gets saved by Seul Bi! He feels love towards unpredictable Seul Bi, they get separated unexpectedly. In the end, he gives his life for his love.

Lee Sung Yol as Hwang Sung Yeol
Age: 18

"Your mother's friend son who good at everything!"
A student at Chungook hig school. destined to be Woo Hyn's rival.
Despite his good looks, he is cold and inexpressive. He hardly ever smile. Numerous girls consider that to be " chic" and try to earn his heart. Whether it's academics or sports, he never loses to anyone. He is truly an Umchina ( my mother's friend's son who is good at everything). But inside his heart, there is full or hurt and resentment. His parent's divorce and his biological mom's lack of interest towards him. Not only that, the step mother to be is the hypocritical ethics teacher, Ji Hye. To make things even worse , Ji Hye turns out to be his good friend Woo Hyun's biological mother. Sigh! He is so unhappy about everything! To such Sung Yeol, he finally finds something that he likes: the very existence of Seul Bi. He thought he forgotten how to laugh but he finds himself smiling while looking at Seul Bi. He never thought he wanted anything, but he wants her Seul Bi. But after he finds out that Woo Hyun is in Seul Bi heart, he put Woo Hyun in danger to the point of no return

Choi Soo Rin as Ahn Ji Hye.
Age: 43

She's known as the " Up Sync teacher" because of her active queries of section repeat , play and auto reverse with a click of a mouse
Having strong self-love than the mother's love, she symbolizes egotistical adults, so she has a double sidedness that corners others into trouble in order to retain her stable life. Ji Hye has strictly taken care of herself to hide her true self, but with a huge a accident at the spicy rice cake house, the secrets that she has been hiding have been revealed at the school. She now face a risk of being fired from her position. Reuniting with Woo Hyeon, she slowly learns about mother's affection

See Joo Shil as Gong Mal Sook
Age : 70
Woo Hyun's grandmother.Famous me gong the spicy rice cake house owner.
Seem tough and rough on the outside due to raising a grandmother on her own, but to stop any shadow from couer her grandmother , who has been raised without his parents , she has to be the one to love and punish.
The one whom pain Mail Sook when she is pacing her death is Woo Hyeon who will be left alone. With an excuse that she needs more hands, she takes in Seul Bi under her roof, but in reality, she wanted to make Woo Hyeon a friend and family whom he can trust when he is left alone after she dies. Then after a painstaking consideration, she reaches out to Ji Hye, her daughter-in-law whom she has cut relations with. As a woman, she wanted to protect " Ji Hye's Life" But never tells anyone of it.

Jo Yeon Woo as Hwang Woo Jin.
Age: 47

Team leader of a special investigation force Seong Yeal's rather and Ji Hye's husband.
Altruistic and just, he steps down from his position as a police officer to take responsibility of his son Seong Yeol's wrongdoing and starts a new life. He is a character that faces realistic conflict between his real son. Seong Yeol, and Woo Hyun, who will become his son through legal paperwork.

High School Love On Episode 2:

Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 7, 2014

Seul-bi (played by Kim Sae-ron) is an angel who works every day observing humans, yet still thinks about human interactions in terms of television dramas. There's a bizarrely cheery attachment to her attitude, because specifically speaking, her job involves watching humans die. Yet even at a very tense moment of attempted suicide Seul-bi continues her running commentary about whether or not the situation accurately matches exciting dramatic standards.

This weird tension pervades much of "High School - Love On". Seul-bi isn't just an alien to human culture. She's a critic of it, too. When Seul-bi sees an obvious problem, she solves it. Well not really. The setting of "High School - Love On" isn't hyper realistic, but at the same time it's not much of a fantasy world either. It's the kind of place where a perfectly fun normal day at school can suddenly turn into a suicide attempt. Ever been at a school where someone tried to commit suicide? That's pretty much what happened there too.

All of this is perfectly exemplified in Woo-hyeon (played by Woohyun. Creative I know). He's just a hard working student trying to scrape enough money together for school. His family's not in the best shape. Sure his grandma's there and she loves him but still. Woo-hyeon holds no illusions that love will magically fix everything. Woo-hyeon knows that he's a member of a lower economic class, and makes a point of acting like it, even as he curses behind the scenes about just how much of a jerk everybody is to him.

And yet he keeps trying. Woo-hyeon makes consistent, dogged attempts to be a good person when he doesn't have to, or even when doing so puts him imminent danger. Seul-bi, by contrast, has no sense of tact or diplomacy, and most of the time isn't even worried about how utterly ridiculous she looks or the possible long term consequences of her choices. Her view of the world is a simple one, yet there's this constant sense that this is because Seul-bi has only ever seen the shallow surface where we like to pretend dramatic gestres can solve anything.
There is a lot of complicated stuff going on in "High School - Love On", so it's fortunate that all of these elements are laced with a decent dose of goofy comedy. Kim Sae-ron is consistently charming and likable as the clueless Seul-bi. At times it's hard to believe that we're watching a thirteen year old girl appearing on screen with Woohyun.

High School Love On Episode 1